Saturday, July 24, 2004

So, I'm not going to North Carolina. I will not say to Harry, "You were right". I made that decision as soon as my commission check hit the back at midnight Friday morning. I called Harry and told him that morning. However, when I got in my car after work that day I gassed up the car and actually contemplated going anyway. I really struggled with it. I had myself half convinced. By the time I got home, packed, took a short nap and left in the middle of the night I could have gotten there in plenty of time for visiting hours Saturday morning. I even went into my bedroom and picked up my suitcase three or four times. Luckily, the latest DVD of "The Sopranos" had arrived and I used that to distract me; I watched all four damned episodes in one sitting. Finally, it had gotten too late.

Then I woke up this morning figuring how I could time the ride to make it for tomorrow's funeral.

No, I'm still here. It can wait until November.

My plans with Johnny for the weekend have had to be altered al well. His mother hurt her ankle tripping over a life-size Barbi belonging to his little sister. She really did some damage and with Jimmy being out of town and her husband working late she needed him around to help corral the little ones and keep her off her feet. It's at least reassuring that the Ex and I can compromise and shuffle things around as needed without involving lawyers or a referee. He and I will go see "I,Robot" on Sunday and then head up to Tampa for Vulkon. Robin Curtis is one of the guests. I haven't seen her in about two years and she doesn't know about my surgery. This should be interesting. I also have some Fleet business to do. I'm getting a break by staying at the house of some friends who will be out of town. It will also be another chance for Johnny and I to spend some "quality time" together.

Hmmmmmmmmmmm. If I left right now I'd be in New Bern by 11PM.


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