Tuesday, July 27, 2004

"Revenge of the Sith"?!

This movie had better not suck. Maybe it's like that old Smuckers commercial...it must be good give give it a name like that! What was wrong with "Rise of the Empire"? There is so much anticipation on this final movie. It's almost as if all Star Wars fans are holding out hope Lucas will make up for the past two movies with one final kick ass movie to end the saga with a bang. 10 months to go.

As I type this Ted Kennedy is making his speech at the DNC....and he won't shut up! Last night was such a killer opener. Jimmy Carter was great, Hillary perfectly subdued and Bill kicked ass. Then Ted comes on and sucked the air out of the room. He went on and on with a history lesson. He did have a few moments but over all it was a yawn-er. I have seen him give a speech and he CAN rip the roof off a building. He didn't do that tonight. He was stilted and his voice cracked like a teenager. I wish I had a copy of his 1980 speech so I could see a "good" Kennedy speech.

If it weren't for bad luck....came home from work and the A/C in the house has died. I'd be morecomfortable in my van. The landlord is supposed to get it fixed tomorrow; may give me an excuse to stay home until it gets fixed.

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