Thursday, June 17, 2004

Friends of mine here are used to me joking about being in Florida and my "hatred" of this state. I say that hurricane season and sink holes are just God's way of reminding us that the Florida belongs under water. If it weren't for the Army Corp of Engineers it would be the Georgia Gulf coast. That ever time I have dealings with eh Florida legal system I hear "Dueling Banjos" in the background.

I may have just found yet another reason. I understand that television news polls are not scientific and can be slanted by bored people with nothing more to do with their time than to repeatedly vote to make the results look good for their side, but AAAAAARRRRRGHHHH!

The local Fox affiliate had a poll tonight which asked if "After the 9/11 Commission Hearings do you still believe there was an Al Qaida/Iraq link?" and 46% ANSWERED YES!!!!!!


Dear God, please don't let Florida be the laughing stock of the country again. Please don't let Florida be the reason we have a lying bastard in the oval office.

Life and politics used to make sense before moving to Florida. There were Democrats everywhere. I knew Kennedys. I ate 3 months worth of meals at catered cocktail parties. I was almost a candidate. I was known inside the State House and by politicos around the state.

I still don't understand why the word "impeachment" hasn't come up in Washington. How can the President serve up such a stemming pile of crap to the American people which has caused so many needless deaths and still be in office? The last time there was impeachment talk was over a blow job; no one died because of that decision.

OK, OK. I'll calm down. It was just a stupid phone poll on a stupid Fox affiliate. People here really aren't that stupid. They've got to be able to see the obvious. Ray Charles is blind, dead AND buried and he can still see clearly THERE WAS NO CONNECTION between the two and it was a bullshit reason for invading Iraq.

OK, OK. I said I'd calm down.

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