Sunday, May 16, 2004

Well, I'm back! The phone's back on and I'm finally back online. Not that it hasn't been fun getting here. About a week ago I was in the local Goodwill and found a Compaq PC one model better than my old one. It ended up being dirt cheap so I quickly grabbed it, got it home and running. On the very day I was due to have my dialup service re-connected it started acting up and won't start correctly. Just my luck. If worse comes to worse I've only made a $95 donation to Goodwill. I was hoping to have put off buying a brand new PC for almost a year. Still hope for it, but we'll see. I have to go to some PC geek friends of mine. My PC knowledge is similar to that of my car; I put the key in the ignition and drive....that's all I know about how it runs!

Speaking of the car, I am about a week or so away from being a back on the road. I will be getting all of my legal and financial crap out of the way and then get the van repaired and out of storage. I am so looking forward to the freedom again. I am also looking forward to getting into regular visits with my son. Of course, just like my usual luck, I get back on the road just as gas prices are hitting $2 per gallon!!!

Another reason I am going to need a better PC is that I have just agreed to run on the team of a friend of mine who is running for the Commander Starfleet (President, for your non-geeks) of Starfleet International. It took me a few days to make the decision. I was very flattered by being asked. I am nervous about making the jump to the International level and I am very happy with the job I currently have with the chapters here in Florida but I figured it was worth the try. I am vying for the job of Chief of Operations which oversees the chapter reporting, listing of chapters and correspondence chapters. If you're not in Fleet this means little to you. It's a management position which is very similar to what I am doing now except on a much larger scale. I would be going from handling a database of 11 chapters to that of hundreds. This should be very interesting.

I have added the option for readers of the blog to post comments. I am glad blogspot added this for the free accounts. I'm looking forward to seeing reactions to some of what I post. I know I have some of my friends and family reading this on a regular basis, for whatever odd reason you have, and would love to see who pipes up with feedback.

This post is just a catch-up kind of thing. Now that I can post regularly again I'll try to get into meatier stuff. OK, no more death stuff for a while, I promise.


Anonymous said...

I hear that Compaq computers make very good soft bottom anchors. If that is not to your liking you can try calling your computer techno geek friend in North Carolina and see if he can help. He will of course need to know a little more than "It doesn't start right"


Bismo said...

Coincidentally I just "donated" my old Compaq PC, a 233Mhz P-II that my office told us to take home when they upgraded, to my sister over the weekend. She was stuck after her ex took their PC with him, so Old'n Slow is better the No! Nice to see you back online, see you in about 50 days I hope!