Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Four years I've been at this blogging thing. Wow! What dedication. What is neat about this is that I can instantly take a look back and get a clear view of where my life has gone in that time. What I have accomplished. What I still need to do. Where my life has improved. Where there are still things lacking.

Well, I just read through..........

Did I mention how close I was to clinical depression?!!!!!

OK, OK....I'm joking! The best part of this is the feedback I get from people, And I'm not just talking about the ball busting jabs from friends but people, who I would never have though read this thing, saying how much they enjoy my posts and read on a regular basis. Yes, it's a nice ego stroke but it also adds to that sense of accomplishment. Not only am I saving thousands of dollars in therapy hours but I am putting something out there which entertains. It is sometimes the push I need to actually sit down at this thing and write. If it were just me jotting things down in a composition book I probably would give up after a few months like I did in the past. I didn't take the time to actually count the entries but it is in the hundreds. Just look at the counter at the bottom of the page....thousands of hits! As long as you keep looking in to see what happening and how my mind twists its way though like I'll keep posting.

Thanks for forcing me to keep writing.


Anonymous said...

Hey I just found the Blog address and Have been trying to get in touch with you. It's been a while since we talked. send me an Email with your latest email address. You can still get me at lennybento@peoplepc.com


Anonymous said...

Jack, to say you are entertaining is one of thee grossest understatements I have heard in a very long time.

Anonymous said...

Always enjoy your comments Jack. You're a hoot and always have been. Much more interesting and funny than some people we know...or knew as the case may be...
