Tuesday, October 12, 2004

First, thing to share is that I finally have my photos from the hurricanes posted on the net.


Secondly, are my thoughts on the passing of Christopher Reeve. This hits extremely closely to me due to my friendship with Jim Langevin. While Reeve's injuries and condition over the past 9 years was much worse than Jim's, the infection and complications which led to his death could do the same thing to Jim. He works hard to keep his body as healthy as possible and puts in many hours towards that goal but I still hold the fear in the back of my mind that one day I will be attending his funeral thanks to something as stupid as an infection. As you know, if you've read much of this blog, I don't do well with death.

I remember when I first saw "Superman". It was the first time, as film critic for my college newspaper, I was invited to a midnight screening of a film. I was excited to be let in the backdoor and see a movie before anyone else had, so that added to the experience. There was something special about the movie from the moment those first John Williams notes trumpeted. A man really could fly.

My movie buff friend, Gary Keller, always questions my masculinity because of my love of "Somewhere in Time". While there are times I moan and whine about being able to suspend disbelief during a bad movie, I was totally sucked in to the love story and forgave major lapses in logic for this film. My eyes still dew over when Reeve pulls that penny out of his vest pocket.

And then there's Reeve post 1995. How can you not admire someone who has gone through the past nine years as he has. Someone who has taken what would have ripped the spirit from most and just made him soar higher than the cape and tights ever could have taken him.

In recent months I have been reevaluating where I am in life. There has been one quote from Reeve which has been haunting me recently. "I get very impatient with able bodied people who are paralyzed for one reason or another. C'mon, what are you waiting for? If you have a dream, go for it!" Add to that, someone at work recently said, "You missed your calling".

Ever get the feeling the universe is trying to tell you something?

1 comment:

LA Filmcutter said...

Amen to that Jack...Amen! And yes, the penny scene in "Somewhere In Time". 'Course my big emotional wow is when he runs back stage and Elise smiles at him while the famous photograph is being taken.
