Wednesday, April 23, 2008

"It was 20 years ago today....."

Not only word to one of the greatest songs ever but the first words that ran through my head today. It was on this date in 1988 that I married for the first time. Yeah, I wondered where my ex was and if I ever crossed her mind today and then I started thinking in the bigger picture.

What had happened to me in those 20 years.

I have changed careers a couple of times and may be on the verge of yet another turn in my life. I have fallen in love twice since then. I married and divorced again and almost married again. I left the place I thought would always be my home. I lived in my car for 2 weeks and have lived in 8 different places. I have been unemployed and gained and lost positions and prestige in my current job. I have lost some of the dearest members of my family. I have lost and gained some of the best friends I will ever have. I have had money in the bank and bounced checks like the Globetrotters handle basketballs.

And then....there's my son.

Suddenly all the thoughts of what might have been were silenced by where I was today and what I had in my life. I've often said that the things I've been through in my life have gone a long way to make me who I am today and made me stronger. All of that comes into balance when I look into my son's eyes, touch his face or simply share a laugh and a smile that I know there is no other place or situation I would rather be in for my life.

But....if anyone sees my ex....tell her I said "Hi".

1 comment:

Red said...

But will she say Hi back?!