Thursday, December 06, 2007

I gave in to my age to day and went to the doctor for the 50,000 mile check up.

It has been two years since I've actually been in the office and that was all I heard from each nurse, office clerk and the doctor himself. You'd think they'd be happy I've been healthy enough NOT to have to be there. I had been planning on this visit but have been experiencing an odd reaction to, of all things for me....eating.

Since my gastric bypass, every time I would have either pasta of dairy products I would experience a major fluctuation in my blood sugars, my hear would race and I'd end up taking a nap to let my body get back to normal. I've gotten used to it and it really wouldn't happen all too often. Occasionally, I would even use it as a cheat to get to sleep; a little Ben & Jerry's and I'd be off to la-la-land.

OK, not the best thing to do, but effective and lots cheaper then Ambien.

So I have had a couple of pints of blood drained out of me along with a few other bodily fluids and will be heading back to the doctor's office to get a heart monitor.

Ahhhhh.....the joys of being middle aged!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Big dummy.

2 YEARS!!!!!

So you're treating your body the way you treat your cars?
What do you suppose will happen?

Frakkin Duh.

Listen, do what the frakkin doctors tell you to do.

Some of us, actually like you around....