Friday, July 24, 2009

I have learned my first joke in another language.

My friend, Edison, told me that in Spanish speaking countries Arnold Schwarzenegger is known as "Chocha-negger".

I took Spanish I three times in high school and college almost 30 years ago and I GOT THE JOKE!

For the uninitiated "chocha" is Spanish slang for vagina; less delicately put, it is the Spanish version of the word "pussy". It doesn't make sense if you actually translate it but it works. It was a simple and prefect pun and I got the joke in the other language.

I had never thought before that puns would work in other languages. I guess that's simple ignorance and a certain Anglo superiority. I have listen to and written jokes all my life. My father brought me a love of humor and my mother brought me love of the English language. I cut my comedic teeth on George Carlin as he turned words and phrases on their ear into some of the funniest things I had ever heard.

Now, to not only hear a joke in another language but a joke actually told in another language is like watching the Marx Brothers again for the first time.

Thanks, Edison!

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