Thursday, May 08, 2008

This whole Miley Cyrus thing makes me want to wretch. I picked up the issue of Vanity Fair. OK, Miley is not the only reason because there is a fantastic cover story about RFK's last campaign. Hopefully, those who do pick up the issue for the Cyrus thing will ready the RFK article, but anyway...

The photo is not that bad. I've seen some footage from Cyrus' recently released concert film and there are many more provocative images there than in the one Annie Lebovitz photo.

The whole thing is that Disney is crying that the photo shoot was done by Vanity Fair was exploiting a child for monetary gain. that again. DISNEY was complaining that a child was exploited for monetary gain. Am I the only person who sees the irony in that statement? Am I also the only one who realizes that Disney just released that concert video and that the free publicity of a "controversy" would not only boost the circulation of Vanity Fair but quiet possibly boost sales of their new video?

Give me a break!

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