Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I usually don't post comments to a comment......but let me get this out of my system.

I have a bone spur. It is a extra growth of bone material. It could be a part of my weight could also any number of other factors.

There have been a couple of comments posted that give the impression that I am in some kind of declining health. I AM FRACKING FINE! I walk 5 mile hikes. I have normal blood pressure and cholesterol. All I have is a minor inconvenience which is at times painful. There is nothing wrong with my back or legs. Yes, I have put back on a portion of the weight I lost since surgery but ONLY a portion. I have stabilized in my weight over the past three months, I am no longer regaining any more weight. At the same time I have not lost any; that I hope to attack now that the Florida weather is more comfortable and I can resume my 5 mile weekend hikes.

I am fine. I am healthy. Unless you have a Phd after your name please don't diagnose. And if you're going to make some disparaging remake have the nards to sign you name to it.


Anonymous said...

Well said, Towaway. You have to take care of yourself and no one else can do it for you.

And, of course, you know that if I had any disparaging remarks to make I would have no trouble signing my name. :-)

Anonymous said...

This is for both anonymous #1 and #2, mostly 2....
Your ignorance about obesity or battling a weight problem is staggering! Science is discovering more everyday that it's more than just putting a fork in your mouth- there are emotional and even body chemistry issues involved as well. Even genetics. Do you consider alchoholics or drug addicts just "weak" as well? I'm guessing no one in your family has any weight issues..I'm happy for you, except it gives you a woeful lack of tact or sensitivity. In case you wonder, I AM OVERWEIGHT, and battle it every day- not just to avoid the looks and comments of amusement or disgust from people like you. I am human, I have feelings and am as sensitive as anyone else. Do you think we WANT to be treated like modern day lepers, or have our medical issues dismissed due to our weight instead of being treated like a "normal weight" patient? I'll grant that sometimes it is because of the weight, but not all the time.
I'm one of Jack's friends. We deal with our weight issues differently. If you really knew Jack, the weight would cease to be an issue and you would see him for the good person he is. No one should be treated badly for any affliction, self afflicted or otherwise.
I have sought to turn on a light in a dark corner of your mind and hope I have succeded. I'm not afraid to leave my name- it's Cheryl, and if you want to go around this topic a few more times to expose more of your ignorance and insensitivity, be my guest, I'm game. Otherwise, to paraphrase Thumper from "Bambi"..."If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all!"